Leadership coaching and development

At CultureStoke, we provide leadership development and coaching services that empower leaders to play a central role in cultivating and nurturing your company's culture. We emphasize enriching their skills, boosting their self-confidence, and enhancing their effectiveness as leaders. Our services go beyond organizational leaders and cater to entrepreneurs and community leaders looking to refine their abilities and bring their visionary goals to life.

"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge." - Simon Sinek

how we can help

Our comprehensive people-focused approach provides education, encouragement, accountability, and unwavering support, empowering you to lead with genuine confidence and a profound sense of purpose.

Leadership focused workshops

Our leadership workshops equip both new and experienced leaders with the knowledge, confidence, and tools they need to skillfully guide their teams, fortify their organizational culture, and achieve exceptional business outcomes.

Leadership Development

This service offers leadership development workshops to cultivate leaders who drive and maintain a desired company culture.

one-on-one leadership coaching

Our coaching programs offer personalized one-on-one coaching sessions for leaders, providing individualized guidance and support to drive personal and organizational growth.

what you can expect

Our leadership coaching is custom-designed to align with your organization's unique requirements and make day-to-day life easier, more profitable, and more fun.

Vision & Execution: We'll help you align to a clear picture of where you want to be and set a clear path to get there.

Simple & Practical Tools: We provide you with the tools and resources to implement real change

People-First Leadership: Learn the essential skills of people-first leadership and take your team to the next level.

Culture Transformation: We’ll guide you towards culture transformation and give you actionable strategies and best practices to impact your people and culture positively.

Focus & Accountability: We support you with following through on key priorities and keeping the promises you make to yourself and others.

How we deliver

Monthly Coaching Sessions: Two monthly 90-minute one-on-one in-person or virtual sessions are scheduled to fit your availability.

Continuous Support: We ensure ongoing assistance by providing five "quick hit" emails and/or 10-minute calls or texts, as needed, each month.

Intentional Structure: Each session is divided into two parts. The first half is dedicated to setting your top 3-5 goals for the period, while the second half focuses on learning and implementing systems to enhance your leadership and culture.

Premium Resources: Access a wealth of personalized, high-quality business, leadership, and culture resources to meet your specific needs and objectives.

Guided Implementation: Access and implement the most effective systems for strengthening your people and teams while cultivating an intentional culture that drives results.

Top-shelf Resources: We provide top-tier business, leadership, and culture resources tailored to your unique needs and goals.

expected results

CultureStoke's leadership development and coaching is the ideal choice for visionaries, senior managers, and accomplished business leaders who have tasted success and are hungry for the next level of growth. Our leadership development programs are curated for those with the curiosity and flexibility to embrace fresh ideas in pursuit of superior outcomes. By becoming a part of this program, you'll elevate your business and profoundly enrich your journey.

common questions

  • Customized Approach: We recognize that every leader and organization is different. Our personalized coaching addresses your needs and challenges, making it highly effective.

    Experienced Coaches: Our coaches have a wealth of real-world experience building strong cultures. They understand the practical challenges leaders face and provide actionable insights.

    Proven Methodologies: We offer tried-and-true methodologies that have delivered results. You're not just getting theoretical concepts; you're receiving practical implementation tools.

    Ongoing Support: With one-on-one coaching, on-demand support, and a library of resources, we ensure you're continuously supported on your leadership journey.

    Goal-Oriented: Our coaching focuses on setting and achieving specific goals, ensuring you see measurable improvements in leadership and culture.

    Adaptability: We understand the evolving nature of leadership and culture. Our coaching develops with you to keep pace with organizational and industry changes.

    People-Centric Approach: Our coaching emphasizes people-first leadership, which leads to better engagement, higher productivity, and stronger cultures.

    Real Results: Dozens of leaders who have worked with CultureStoke have seen substantial improvements in their leadership skills, team dynamics, and organizational culture, leading to better business outcomes.

  • Even if you have a strong understanding of leadership and culture, partnering with CultureStoke offers numerous concrete benefits:

    Fresh Perspectives: We bring innovative and adaptable methodologies that can provide new insights and fresh perspectives on your journey.

    Customization: Our programs are highly customizable. Even if you have a strong foundation, we tailor our services to your specific needs and organizational maturity, enhancing your existing knowledge.

    Acceleration: While you already know a lot, we can expedite your progress. We provide proven strategies and tools that save you hundreds of hours of time and effort in implementing change.

    Coaching and Support: Our one-on-one coaching and ongoing support extend beyond knowledge. We offer guidance, accountability, and motivation for continuous improvement.

    Real-World Experience: We’ve built award-winning cultures and have a wealth of real-world experience to share. Our practical expertise goes beyond theoretical knowledge.

    Networking and Community: Partnering with CultureStoke connects you with a community of like-minded individuals and leaders who can share their experiences and insights, enriching your knowledge and relationships.

    Continuous Learning: CultureStoke stays up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in leadership and culture, and we can keep you informed about the most recent developments.

    Efficiency: Our programs ensure you maximize your time and resources when implementing meaningful improvements.

    Holistic Approach: Even if you have expertise in certain aspects, our holistic approach to leadership and culture provides a well-rounded (and proven) strategy for success.

    Tangible Results: Our track record of consistently crafting robust company cultures speaks to the real results that can be achieved through our partnership.

explore all of our interactive workshop offerings

stoked feedback from our leadership coaching

  • “I had the privilege of learning from Marty and Wes through the South (SLO) County Leadership Program in 2022. Their knowledge, experience and collaborative guidance was thought-provoking and challenging; it helped me grow tremendously as a person and a leader at work and in the community!

    For Central Coast companies seeking to help their employees learn about themselves (personality traits, dominant learning style, core strengths/weaknesses) and how to work better on teams (establishing trust, communication styles, showing appreciation), I highly recommend Culture Stoke as a outside partner. Their guidance will help accelerate the positive change you're looking for within your organization!”

    - Alec L.

  • “Wes and Marty are amazing. The knowledge they bring about leadership and culture is awesome. The way they deliver it makes it fun, engaging, and easy to retain. So glad to have met these two and love what they are doing for the workforce and community!”

    - Todd H.

  • "I appreciate your professionalism with a dash of fun and being real. Looking forward to continued personal growth and to put all the learning into practice in life and work. I am all in."

    - Holly M.

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